Advanced Drawing Techniques [5D/4N]

12 June 2023 – 16 June 2023

49,000.00 “Price is exclusive of GST”

Welcome to our wild bootcamp for Advanced Drawing Techniques! Join us for an immersive learning experience that combines advanced drawing skills with the beauty of nature.

Over the course of the Advanced Drawing Techniques bootcamp, you’ll learn advanced techniques for drawing, including figure drawing, perspective, shading, and composition. You’ll work on real-world projects and receive personalized feedback from our experienced instructors, who have years of experience in the art industry.

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Welcome to our wild bootcamp for Advanced Drawing Techniques! Join us for an immersive learning experience that combines advanced drawing skills with the beauty of nature.

Over the course of the Advanced Drawing Techniques bootcamp, you’ll learn advanced techniques for drawing, including figure drawing, perspective, shading, and composition. You’ll work on real-world projects and receive personalized feedback from our experienced instructors, who have years of experience in the art industry.

But this isn’t your typical classroom setting. Our Advanced Drawing Techniques bootcamp takes place in a stunning outdoor location, giving you the chance to immerse yourself in nature and find inspiration in your surroundings. You’ll stay in comfortable accommodations and enjoy delicious meals prepared by our on-site chef.

In addition to the drawing training, you’ll also have the opportunity to participate in outdoor activities such as team-building exercises, drawing challenges, and mindfulness exercises. This unique blend of education and adventure will leave you feeling inspired, rejuvenated, and ready to take your drawing skills to new heights.

So why wait? Join us for our wild bootcamp for advanced drawing techniques and experience a one-of-a-kind learning adventure. With our expert instruction, hands-on training, and stunning outdoor setting, you’ll gain the skills and confidence you need to create high-quality, visually stunning drawings and take your art career to the next level.

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